Thursday, November 11, 2010

What is hard disk cloning?

 We have all heard about cloning animals and somewhere even humans have been tried. But what about cloning the hard disk drive of your PC. Cloning is creating an exact copy of your hard disk onto another hard disk. With hard disk cloning you can copy your PC's hard disk, every last bit of it, and then use that disk as if it was the original.

Hard disk drive cloning is something that you need to do to safeguard not only your data but your complete operating system as well. Hard drives go bad sometimes, and other times you may want to upgrade to a bigger hard drive or even move to a more powerful PC. Either way, wouldn't it be nice to be able to get a new hard drive and make it an exact replica of your old one. Cloning your hard disk drive will do this for you.

The easiest way to clone a hard disk drive is to use a good hard drive cloning software. If you use cloning software, all you have to do is install the disk, follow its instructions and then it will start the cloning process.

Your other option then is to store it on a DVD, if it can fit, or the hard drive you actually plan on copying it to. To do this you need to have the disk in a disk USB enclosure or actually installed in your PC.

The hard disk drive cloning procedure is preferable to just a simple backup of your data. If the disk fails and you only have a data backup you would have to reinstall Windows and all the applications you had installed. With a cloned disk drive you not only have a replica of you original disk but you can even retrieve individual data and files from it if you have accidentally deleted.

Periodically cloning a hard disk drive means that you would always have an up to date hard drive clone. So if anything should happen, you can just boot from your other hard drive.

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